The Hoju Saram

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gotcha Day

It is my sons’ "Gotcha Day" on April 22. These days, most adoptive families celebrate the day their child was adopted Families vary in what they call it: Gotcha Day, Adoption Day, Family Day, Adoption Anniversary Day. Depending on the family the day selected for this day is different, it might be the first time the family met, the day you went to court, the day your child got home, or the day the adoption was finalized. In our case we chose the day that we returned to Australia for the first time with our son. We actually first saw met about 10 days earlier. On this day we usually get together with friends and watch the home video of when we first met our son and have a bit of a party. Sort of like a second birthday party.

We usually give presents on this day and this year his 이모 got him an amazing present which he got a few days early. It is a K-Kam and although he is only 3 ½ he is already producing some nice movies.

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